Thursday, May 4, 2017

VMI visit -- William Zhou

The trip we took to VMI yesterday was a mind blowing experience for me. Not only the ample history behind everything, but also Colonel Gibson's encyclopedic story-telling technic made the trip meaningful. 
This statue remind me of David a lot, and it is quite different from other memorials on VMI's campus. If you have never heard of the story behind this statue, you might think the placing of this statue on VMI's campus is just result of terrible planning. But this statue was actually commissioned by Mussolini, and was donated to VMI by an alumni because the producer did not want to work for Mussolini anymore. 
This is the statue of George Marshall, one of the most celebrated alumni of VMI. George Marshall is renowned not just as the general of United States during WWII, but also for his political achievements as the secretary of state. Even though he is dressed in military uniform, the statue gives a warm and welcoming overall feeling to its viewers. 
After knowing about the density of history on VMI's campus, I really regret not going there to explore around sooner. We should always be motivated to take advantage of the places around us that has fascinating historic background.

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