Monday, May 1, 2017

Lee Chapel- Emily Stewart

During our visit to Lee Chapel today, I felt that our guide was rather guarded, careful, and diplomatic when it came to any controversy surrounding the site. I got the impression that she emphasized the backlash over the flag issue when students asked about the topic in order to demonstrate the complicated nature of the issue, perhaps feeling that we would have a one-sided view. I have been in the chapel, viewed the Lee monument, and visited the museum before out of curiosity and for class, but never all at the same time. Viewing these elements together, I was particularly struck by the nature of the museum. Despite being in such a controversial position, the site did not use the museum to contend with that at all. It seems like it would be wise to supplement the somewhat anachronistic memorial element with a more modern style of museum exhibition, one which would invite discourse and acknowledge difficult subjects, especially slavery. Instead, the museum feels equally shrine-like to the rest of the building and comes across like it hasn't changed a thing in a very long time. I think the way the school is making use of this museum element could use reconsideration.

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