Wednesday, May 3, 2017

VMI tour - Schloss

Today's tour was really eye opening. It was nice to see the comparisons to the history at both VMI and W&L and how much VMI's history is important to the learning and understanding of the students. VMI is so close to us yet we never really use their recourses. 
The tour was full of rich history and lots of information but what I found to be the biggest take away is that he didn't shy away from addressing the issue of the confederate side. When he was talking about the painting and other statues he made a comment as to look past the sides of the war but to look at what it represents as a whole, as a statement of the people. I think thats a really good view point to have. Its about the coming together and the strength of the community as to why we remember these past important figures and moments and continue to have them represent apart of the ongoing community.

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