Monday, May 1, 2017

Lee Chapel Response - Schloss

To start i think that everyone should be required to see the Lee chapel before graduating. i had never really understood what was there until today and it changed my prospective on Robert E Lee, as well as the history for the school. Coming from New york I had a very guarded view on the Robert E lee, the education i learned about the south was very narrowed. When applying here my grandfather was very confused how Lee could be in the name of our school but today i learned that without him we could'nt have the choice for majors and electives that we have now. Lee gave us the opportunity to pick our own paths in life, aside from a general he was the leader of our school and i think its important for every student to understand that. in terms of memorials it is interesting to see the contrast between the chapel as a community space and as a memorial, but the building itself besides Lee's memorial is a memorial of the last 150 years and i think that was an important fact i gained from today. i would like to continue to discuss the issues as flags as memorials and how does a replica have the same value as the original and the removal of the confederate flag from the chapel, are we removing apart of history and memorial when removing the flag?

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