Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Stonewall Jackson - MP Welch

Overall, the cemetery seemed a bit unkempt. Fresh flowers indicated that people have visited recently, but the overall aesthetic suggested a lack of upkeep. For example, headstones are not lined up exactly. This seems to derive from the grounds overgrowing, rather than them initially being placed haphazardly. This first picture shows the lack of alignment.

Examining the differences between the headstones with writing facing the sky and those with writing facing a standing viewer illustrates some of what we learned about functionality and text size. I assume the headstone pictured below has larger text because its principal function is marking the grave site to help visitors locate it. On the other hand, the headstones shown above (and in the foreground below) have smaller writing, forcing the viewer to draw closer and have a more intimate relationship with the site. 

This picture also shows differences between older and newer headstones. The “Zollman” stone looks newer and of a more traditional design, whereas several obelisks and oddly shaped older stones are visible in the background. The picture below supports this by featuring an older stone that culminates in a subtle point. 

Lastly, our final picture shows a bench, or exedra, where visitors can stop and spend time in the memorial. The view from this bench (not pictured) is obstructed by a large tree, indicating further the overgrown nature of this cemetery.

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