Monday, April 24, 2017

Murray Manley- Earliest Memory

Earliest Memory of  Shrine or Memorial

I'm struggling to pinpoint my earliest memory of visiting a shrine or memorial, but as far as I can remember, I think the earliest was most likely visiting a hidden family cemetery in Pell City, Alabama.  Pell City is a tiny town about 40 minutes away from Birmingham, where my lake house is. Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my siblings and cousins exploring around our property, but also snooping around the neighbors' and blatantly ignoring the "no trespassing signs" when we did come across them (except for the one that said Trespassers will be shot...). 

I was probably 10 when I first saw the hidden cemetery, and on this particular adventure, I went with my mom. She had been to the Walker Cemetery before, but it was my first time. The day was warm and our shoe laces were full of hitch-hiker seed pods as we trekked through the woods to the side of the hill where the Walkers lived. We pushed open the tiny gate and walked into a small graveyard filled with at least 100 maybe 150 years worth of relatives. Each one was marked with a small grave, a big rock, or a newer shinier head stone with a heart or a saying on it. To clarify, the Walkers have lived on the same plot of land in Alabama since the government divvied out parcels of land in the 1800s, slowly dividing it into smaller and smaller portions as the family grew and multiplied. The little hidden graveyard is a testament the history of the Walker family that has taken place. I remember at the time looking around and wondering why anyone would want to install a graveyard on their own property (and within sight of the house),  or if it was legal, but I imagine now that it's like keeping your loved ones close. 

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