Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Julia Schloss -- Stonewall Jackson Cemetery

The experience today at the Stonewall Jackson cemetery was very enlightening. Living in lexington I don't take full advantage of the history around us. There were a few things that really stuck with me during and after the visit. The overall view and area in the cemetery has a nice peaceful feeling. The only really sounds coming from the nature around us. There are no distinct path ways around the grave stones other then the main cemented paths which caused a little concern to me as I didn't want to step on something or someplace I shouldn't.

 I noticed that the overall area of the cemetery was not very manicured other then the area surrounding Stonewall Jackson himself. What was also interesting to see was the fresh flowers that are placed on grave stones even if the person had died hundreds of years ago. I wonder what the connection of the person visiting was.

The labeling of the tomb stones was also very interesting as it can tell a lot about the family and the person that died. some say mother and father like the image above while others say family names and or a religious inscriptions.

Overall I really enjoyed my experience, I learned a lot about why things are oriented the way they are and how every memorial is built with a purpose. It also was a good way to connect to the history beyond just reading. I am still left to understand the connection of who gets to decided why or how memorials are represented as they are an emotional attachment for each person.

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