Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ian McDonald- Memorial

My first memory of visiting a memorial is from when I was 7 or 8 years old. My family had gone up to D.C. with my grandparents. We went and visited all of the typical D.C. tourist spots over the course of an extended weekend. On Monday, before we left to head home, we stopped by Uncle Robert's house. He's grandfather's brother. He lived right outside D.C., and we had planned on catching up with him before we went home.

He served in the Air Force during Vietnam. Since we were all up there, he wanted to take us to an air museum near his house. After that, we went to the Vietnam War Memorial. I remember not really understanding why it was so significant to him, or why so many people were there. It wasn't actually raining, but it was misty and damp out. I remember Uncle Robert rubbing the names of people he knew on a piece of paper with a pencil. I also remember my mom telling me that these were the names of people who had died. I tried to count them but ran out of time.

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