Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Stonewall Jackson Memorial Cemetery - Annie Jeckovich

I found the orientation of Stonewall Jackson to be the most interesting. I arrived late to the cemetery, and walked in with Emily, so the access road was clear. We saw the profile on Stonewall Jackson’s statue, which immediately spiked my curiosity. My curiosity grew when I saw the road which Jackson faced was in fact a dead in, and the main access point came from the East. I pulled out the Compass app on my phone and determined that Jackson was pointing South West. There is obvious intention of orienting Jacksons this way, as Jackson will “never turn his back on the South”.
 In the Northern corner of the cemetery, I stumbled across two small gravestones, within the same family, with lambs resting atop of the tombstone. The markers were two children that perished. The lamb to be suggests a Christian element (Jesus, The Lamb of God). Someone in class pointed out the secularity of the cemetery, which I did not notice as the corner I chose to analyze had writings on the stones like, “Asleep with Jesus”.

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