Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I have visited Stonewall Jackson Cemetery before to take pictures and walks, but I have never analyzed it it the way we did today, and I did not know the history of the cemetery and Jackson's statue. It was interesting to hear that history, listen to my peers' observations of the cemetery, and spend time looking closely at the graves here. In doing that, I noticed several things while exploring alone. First of all, I noticed that certain graves, such as those in the first two pictures below, seemed very well kept despite the fact that the deceased were long dead. In the first picture, I wondered whether this headstone was new, because it looked very polished for being from the Civil War era. In the second photo, I was curious who was leaving flowers for a Civil War veteran and his family, as they also seem to have died too long ago to have living loved ones. The third image made me curious who was leaving these flags and why they chose them. It was also interesting because I was unaware there was a grave for an unknown soldier in the cemetery. The final image interested me because it was a very recent grave in the older part of the cemetery and because it was decorated with an American flag. I was curious why these people were buried in this part of the cemetery and why the flag was so important to them. Overall, my main curiosities were about the living people who left signs of their presence. Though these signs were there, the reason why was often unclear.

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