Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Jimmy Fiume- Earliest Memory

My earliest memory of experiencing memorials was on a trip to Washington D.C. with my family when I was around 8. My cousins were staying with us in Northern Virginia so we took them to walk around Washington and see the monuments. My most notable reaction to the majority of them was mostly just awe due to their overwhelming size. I also remember feeling not only overwhelmed by the size of them, but also the amount of them. After just a short walk around the Mall, we had already seen you many monuments that I was already to the point where I couldn't fully appreciate each one. After exploring the Mall we went to a few museums. The Holocaust Museum had just opened so we were interested to see that. The most notable thing I remember is that it felt like no other museum  i had been before. Due to the subject matter, the building had a very solemn feeling, and many of the exhibits were very emotionally-charged. The visit left my family and I in quieter mood on the ride back home.

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