Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When we were first assigned to create a shrine of our own, I knew instantly that my Nana and Papa would be memorialized in my personal shrine.  I also knew going in that I wanted my shrine to relate to baseball because each of them in their own way contributed greatly to the game that I still play to this day.  My Papa and Nana tried to be at every single game when I was younger and was always there to support me, even on the days that I struggled.  My Papa passed away when I was 13 and my Nana when I was 18.  Both died from cancer.  

The day my Nana passed away was especially related to baseball because it was the day of the high school regional championship game that I was supposed to pitch in.  I played that game with her on my mind, and even though we ended up losing the game and had our season end that day, I felt my Nana would have nonetheless been proud of my efforts.

I used a piece of black canvas as the base of the memorial and poked five holes through the bottom.  I then placed the glove on top of the canvas and tied it down with cable ties to hold it upright.  I added stickers engraving the shrine with the caption "In Loving Memory of Papa and Nana".  I then added baseball-themed stickers, a ball inside the glove, and the most recent picture of my Papa and Nana I could find.

With my Papa and Nana, I will always remember them as being great supporters of me during my childhood.  My Papa would teach me about the game of baseball while my Nana would help make sure I got to my practices, along with washing my uniform when it got dirty.  Baseball plays a huge role in my family, and my Papa and Nana were an instrumental part in making me the player that I am today.

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