Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Personal Shrine-Kasey Cannon

When I first read that we had to create our own personal shrine to a lost friend, I had no idea where to begin or what direction to head. However, as I gave it some time, I decided that I wanted to memorialize my Uncle Andy. My Uncle had committed suicide in 2004 at the age of 41. My Uncle Andy will always be a tall, lanky, goofball to me. I will always remember his big smiling face and his love for the outdoors. Because of his love for the outdoors and nature, I chose to use a birdhouse for my memorial.
On the front of the birdhouse, I put the words "In loving memory of Uncle Andy." I chose to put his name as "Uncle Andy" instead of his full name, Andrew Stasko, because I will always remember him as my fun, loving uncle. 

On both sides on the roof, I have pictures of my Uncle Andy. All the pictures, except for one, are him outdoors. I specifically chose pictures of him skiing, hunting, and at the beach to represent his passions in life. I also chose all smiling pictures because this is how I will always remember my Uncle Andy. 

On the sides of the birdhouse, I have two quotes: "Family is forever" and "Celebrate good times." After my Uncle passed away, the family truly came together to support one another. My Aunt created wooden signs that have the saying "Family is forever" on them and they are hanging in each of my relatives' homes. The sign in my house is hanging in my living room and it is a constant reminder of my Uncle Andy and my close knit family. The second quote is from my Uncle Andy's favorite song "Celebrate" by Kool and the Gang. I thought this quote was especially fitting, not only because it demonstrates his outgoingness and love for singing, but also because my family can do nothing but celebrate all the good times and memories we had with my Uncle. 

I also have put bird and deer stickers on either side of the birdhouses. My Uncle loved to go hunting and now I think of him every time I see a buck. 

I put my Uncle's birth year and death year on the back of the birdhouse. I chose not to put this on the front of the birdhouse because this is not what I want my Uncle to be remembered by. Instead, I want people to notice the smiling pictures and loving quotes on the birdhouse. 

I really enjoyed making this memorial and it made me a little nostalgic. I will forever love my Uncle Andy and his goofiness. 

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