Monday, May 13, 2013

Insights- Charlotte MacDonald

We all take trips to visit memorials and battlefields before we are truly old enough to really understand them. It becomes a part of our education as youth, that then seems forgotten past that. I have visited DC's monuments countless times from various field trips to casually walking by, but until this class I never considered the wider thought and meaning behind them.

I have always found Maya Lin's Vietnam Wall very interesting, but watching that youtube clip in class showed me how much meaning there is behind the design. I knew it was more meaningful than names carved on a wall, but I never thought about how and why.

For me this aspect has been the most interesting part of the class. I am able to go back and see these monuments and understand the meaning behind the design. I had seen the Lincoln Memorial but I did not know that his foot moving forward was significant or the meaning behind his had placement. This course has taken things I have seen and given me context and meaning, which I had never really considered before.

1 comment:

  1. Good. I'mm thrilled to know that you gained a deeper understanding of some of these sites.
