Thursday, May 16, 2013

A memorial to my great grandfather

When I found out that I had to create a personal shrine or memorial, I began to think of past family members, who taught me something related to our class on memorials. The relative I decided to memorialize is my great grandfather. I was very fortunate as both my great grandfather and great grandmother lived well into their 90’s making them apart of my life through the first half of my teenage years.

My great grandfather and I always built things together. We built things of all shapes and sizes, but we always made them out of wood. During spring term a few fraternity brothers and I went to work building wooden benches. While building the benches I thought to myself, why not make one of these benches a memorial to my great grandfather. My great grandfather is the reason I knew how to make these benches, so I figured it would be appropriate. 

            I mentioned that my great grandfather and I would always build out of wood; there is a very specific reason for this medium. From as young as I can remember I recall going over to my great grandfather’s house, spending time helping him in his wood workshop. For my family, my great grandfather crafted tables, chairs, bedframes, drawers, etc. Most of the things he crafted at home served a practical application, which is one of the main reasons I chose the bench as my memorial. Woodwork was not only a hobby for my great grandfather, it was his job. The quote on the bench: “ In memory of the man who shared his passion and skill” serves a reminder that not only did my great grandfather love what he was doing, he shared it and passed it on.

My great grandfather worked as the president of Huckins Yachts, A company that dates back to the 1920’s, when it was founded by my great great grandfather. The Yachts were made out of wood all the way until the 1970’s; when fiberglass became the demand. I have also included photos of an old unfinished wooden hull, a yacht that was completed in the 1960’s, and a PT boat that my great grandfather had created for the Navy in World War 2. 

While a bench, fails in comparison to a yacht, the woodworking skills I used to create the bench are directly from my great grandfather, the man I miss and wanted to memorialize for our class.

- Chris


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