Monday, May 6, 2013

Memorial in Lexington

In looking for a memorial, I did not have to travel far. A memorial sits on the walls of my current home. The monument is located inside, in a room where my housemates and I often spend time studying. The monument is a bronze plaque, dedicated to the life of a student who attended Washington and Lee: Fredrick “Rick” Wayne Finke. The monument describes the student as “ A Christian, A Gentleman, Friend, Brother, Son”. His fraternity brothers commissioned the Memorial.

Above the plaque sits a composite photo of the class of 1991.  The Composite shows the classes of 91’, 92’, 93, and 94’. Within the composite sits a photo of Rick Finke. Similar composites, with my picture on them, sit in the same house. The placement of the two objects makes the memorial strike home. To me, the memorial serves a subtle reminder that a student, just like me, died. The student lived in the same house as me, and probably lived a similar lifestyle. 

- Chris

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