Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Earliest Memory of a Memorial

The first memorial that I remember visiting was probably the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. We went there on a school field trip in the third grade. We were studying Texas history in school at the time, so we were all very excited to see the Alamo in person. Also growing up in Texas, I was read many books and even saw movies about the great figures of the Alamo, like Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie. I remember being amazed by it in the third grade because it appeared huge to me, and the museum inside brought the characters from my books and class to life. I remember very few specifics about the trip, however, because I got lost inside and spent most of my time with a police officer trying to find my class. Last summer I visited San Antonio again, and was actually underwhelmed by the size and location of the Alamo. When I was younger I was so entranced with the story behind it that I gave very little thought to the actual memorial itself. Today I think it sort of gets lost in the city, as it is not on a very large block. However, the Alamo is a very important symbol for Texas and it was my favorite memorial when I was younger.

- Ali Burner

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