Monday, April 29, 2013

Paul Reilly Gratitude

From the beginning of Americas founding memorials have been used to perpetuate ideals of our leaders. Despite cautions one central theme was of a "militaristic empire"(Doss, 209). Ideas such as liberty, freedom, and the republic as described by Doss were themes of early constructionists and continue when modern leaders consider construction of new memorials.
Classical symbols of the Greek and Roman era were used in the construction of monuments of the founding fathers. These include the Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, and Horatio Greenough statue of George Washington for example. These imperial symbols were used in promotion of territorial acquisition of foreign territories and military conquests. After 9/11 the World War II memorial constructed under George W. Bush is one example of a monument being used to promote a current war. 
George Bush's speech, "Today as we fight a war against terrorism, we remember our veterans' commitment to our country and their legacy of patriotism"(Doss, 206) is a prime example of using a memorial of a past war to promote a current war. President Bush parallels the patriotism seen in World War II to the soldiers serving in Iraq. This quote shows gratitude to two different eras of soldiers and promotes a policy of the current President.
War Porn is one way of conveying a message by playing on emotions of the viewer. Tableau, movies, and video games make the memorial an active experience. These provide active experiences for the viewer making it more memorable and more real. Memorials of tanks and sunk submarines right after World War II made the war that much more real for viewers. Paralleling this photos and tv footage of Vietnam brought the war home to noncombatants. Even people who never fought could now through technology have an experience of a war.

Paul Reilly

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