Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earliest Memory

             As a young child, I visited Lincoln’s tomb in Springfield, Illinois. I grew up in a suburb outside of Chicago and my family frequently made the three-hour trek to Springfield to visit members of our extended family. Not ones to pass up a learning opportunity my parents made my family stop at Lincoln’s tomb. I had visited cemeteries before, but I had never seen such a large tomb before. I was amazed by the sheer size and stood at its foot in awe. As we entered inside, I was able to view Lincoln’s coffin and his family crypt. It was an eerie feeling to be so close to such a hero. I stopped and read every descriptive plaque, budding a fascination with Lincoln. I have since had the opportunity to visit the Lincoln museum and his old cabin. Both have offered me a further in-depth understanding and appreciation for Lincoln.

-Charlie Karp 

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